Message-ID: <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 1997 18:57:53 -0500
From: Robert Boilard <[log in to unmask]>
Organization: Everything P.C.
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0Gold (Win95; I)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: Michael Weal - RD <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Placement files
References: <[log in to unmask]>
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Michael Weal - RD wrote:
> We have had a little problem in the past with placement files.  We were
> providing pick and place files for our vendors for a couple years.  We found
> that we received a couple boards back where two components had been
> interchanged.  After further investigation into this we found that all our
> vendors were not using the pick and place files, but would  "bomb-site" the
> silk-screen for component locations.   With the density of many of the SMT
> boards it is not surprising that a couple of  reference designators could be
> confused.  We have played with the idea of providing "placement gerbers" to
> vendors which would eliminate most of this confusion (reference designators
> could be placed under the components).
> My question is:  What is standard in the industry for most board assembly
> houses with respect to placement files? What do most people provide as
> placement files?
> Thanks,
>      MSW
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When we initially send in the response to the RFQ we tell the customer
that we prefer Artwork and gerber files so we can check the our
electronic files to the artwork.
If we do not have photo plots and only get gerber files then we photo
plot check plots of the artwork and send theses check plots to the
customer for approval and only then do we proceed with the production
artwork. This is a little more time consuming but insures that the
conversion of the gerbfiles where accurate. If all we recieve art
artwork then we send the artwork out to be scanned and check the
production artwork against the photo plots we recieved from the
customer... This is a game of CYA...if you know what I mean and can save
yourself alot of embarassment done the road we you find out your
appetures are not correct..

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