De:   Coderre - JCCODERR BRMVM1
Objet:   Gold Thickness on Pads

 As a solderable finish, immersion gold over a nickel is suitable.
 Immersion gold is a self-limiting process whereby the plating
 stops when ion-exchange can no longer occur. This is typically in the
 0.1 micron range.When components are soldered, all the gold is dissolved
 in the solder, the joint is made with the nickel....Gold embrittlement
 is a concern but should not be a problem when the gold content in the
 solder is maintained below 2%  (some will claim 3%, others 4%). This
 will translate in thicknesses in the micron range, well above
 the maximum attainable thickness obtainable with an immersion
 system. Hence the self-controling nature of this surface finish.

 Hope this helps. Please call or e-mail if additionnal information
 is needed.

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