We use a standard HP 2.1 Gb hard disk in all our Crescent plotters.  In 
general, these disks have been very reliable.  A hard disk should last for 
several years.  I will make sure our support manager makes direct contact 
with you about the specifics of the problems you are experiencing.  Abnormal 
power fluctuations may be the culprit.  We are of course, concerned if there 
is a possibility of a separate cause of disk failures so all comments are 

Best Regards,
George Murray
Gerber Systems
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PS  All warranties are no less than 90 days.

 Anybody use a Crescent 30 Photoplotter from Gerber?  We've been using
this machine to plot our artworks for about 3 years.  In that time, the
hard drive (buffer) connecting the computer and the photoplotter has
failed 4 times in that period (twice in the past six months).  Each time
the Gerber technicians had to replace the hard drive, which cost several
thousand dollars for each replacement

Has anybody else had these problems?  Please note that the warranty that
Gerber places on the hard drive is only ONE MONTH.  Is that strange or
what?  Aren't hard drive supposed to last longer than that?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Nelson P. Calimquim
Project Engineer
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