>From: 	frp
>Sent: 	Monday, 24 March, 1997 19:00
>To: 	[log in to unmask]
>Subject: 	Interconnection Resistance, Multilayer Printed Wiring.
>Hi everybody,
>I have a problem with the test methode number 2.5.12 of the IPC-TM-650.
>This test methode tells you to use test coupon "G" as discribed in part
>5.8.4 of the IPC-TM-650.
>It also tells you which holes you should use to perform the test on.
>But if you then look to test coupon "G" the holes which are mentioned
>are not connected. How is it than possible to measure the
>interconnection resistance between those holes?
>Thanks in advance.
>Frank Petit

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