My vote is with Bob. Allow break-out. But I also feel that the
actual PCB requirements should be considered.
For the majority of what I see, break-out should provide adequate
reliable innerconnects. Some things that I would
not consider break-out allowed on would be large long backplanes that
have long trace runs. Something that would
continuously run hot. The TCE of resin and copper are different. If a
PCB had break-in (break-out towards a trace
<without teardropping>), that might cause an intermittent open (thermal
open). Such a product would be like a burn in board. (BIB)   I'm curious
if the ITRI test vehicle had a sample that represented a large board.
Also, were some of the
variables tested various copper foil thicknesses and classes (like HTE
<4 and 6% elongation>) and various materials.

Just Curious.
