
Good explanation of the processes of spec changes.  Having been a task group
chairman for many years and a member of many committees, I have found that
published, non-proprietary, hard data is at best available around year 2050.
 If the task groups waited to make changes based on the full publioshed data,
the IPC specs would still be in the 60's while the suppliers and users were
working to much later EU, IEEE, company specs and so forth.  The people that
call and want a copy of the hard data often have never been to a meeting or
have even submitted comments.  With a very few exceptions the IPC
specifications have withstood the test of time and have become accepted
standards  that many people can accept and will produce good reliable
product.  The 5 to 15 people who are the workers on any spec. usually
represent a good mix and do not intentionally sand-bag any particular group
or company and are most often working to improve the industry standards.

Phil Hinton 
Hinton "PWB Engineering 

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