Norman Einarson did a lot of writing about stripline calculations and 
     design criteria for multilayer boards.  They appeared in a pc design 
     manual for PC World. I'm not sure where he is these days, but you 
     could try the last number I have for him, 617-938-1440. I believe that 
     I also saw Norm's name on the TechNet some time ago.

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Propagation time formula
Author:  Doug Brooks <[log in to unmask]> at 0UTG0ING
Date:    2/6/97 1:27 PM

Various sources (e.g. IPC) have formulas for propagation 
delay for microstrip and stripline configurations. Does 
anyone know of a formula for propagation time in a
DUAL stripline configuration? Or is the stripline 
configuration close enough?
Doug Brooks
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