TechNet Subscribers,

As a supplier to the circuit manufacturing industry, I'm getting very
concerned about some of the new TechNet subscribers that are using the
service as a marketing tool, to generate customer leads from the posted
questions, instead of its intended techical support use.  Back a year ago or
so, I got "flamed" (and correctly so) for sending out an answer to a question
"Yes, this can be done.  Call me at.....".  Yet today this seems to happening
more and more often.

For my self, and others such as Rudy w/ RD Chemical, or Larry w/ Dexter, we
try to be informative over TechNet by answering the question instead of
diverting the TechNet'er away from the forum to a one-on one.  For those of
us who are suppliers to the industry it is important that we have enough
integrity and restraint to keep ourselves from using the TechNet as a source
of customer gathering and instead use as it way intended, as a place for
technical exchange.

For those of you who are manufactures/designers, I would invite you to
continue "flaming" us suppliers if we get out of line in the future.

Have a Great day.

Scott Griggs
Applications Engineer
RBP Chemical Corporation

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