Hi Mike -
     I not a promoter for making new specifications if we can use the 
     existing ones to cover a situation. My suggestion is to use JSTD-001, 
     paragraph 5.2 Solderability. You manufacturer transformers and 
     inductors - you must have a process that gives the components you 
     fabricate a good solderability (you don't intentionally set out to 
     make bad parts and if you do then your customers will most likely 
     inform you about it!). Even though it takes time, document the process 
     you using including the test methodology (i.e. JSTD 002 or MIL STD 
     202, mthd 208) of why it works for your components  and then present 
     this to your customers when they ask the "solderability" question. 
     Most "Customers" want assurance that the "fabricator" knows the whats 
     and whys of his/her process and is not just making stuff blindly - 
     your documentation is evidence that can provide that assurance. Good 
     Dave Hillman
     Rockwell Collins
     [log in to unmask]

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Tinning and soldering transformers
Author:  [log in to unmask] at ccmgw1
Date:    2/3/97 10:32 PM

We're pretty much one of the 'orphans' of the soldering specs. 
MIL-STD-2000A specifically states that it doesn't apply to inductive 
devices.  Most of the other specs pretty much ignore transformers, 
inductors, and similar stuff.  We have to solder internal connections that 
may, or may not, reflow during wave soldering.  Our leads have to meet 
Yet, our Customers (We always capitalize that word.) want us to solder to 
IPC requirements.  How?  
        Do we just 'cherry pick' what seems applicable?
        Should there be a separate section in the spec for inductive devices? 
        Should there be a separate spec for inductive devices?
How do manufacturers of other components not mentioned in the soldering 
specs solve this problem.
We'd love to have a bit of feedback on the subject.
Mike Middleton, engineer
Wirebenders Inc.
Custom Transformers and Inductors
voice (602) 861-1856  fax (602) 870-9242 
e-mail [log in to unmask]
Mike Middleton, engineer
Wirebenders Inc.
Custom Transformers and Inductors
voice (602) 861-1856  fax (602) 870-9242 
e-mail [log in to unmask]
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