Hello Melinda -
     I find it very discouraging that Company executives believe that a 
     TechNet job posting would be a source of employee loss - if an 
     employee is unhappy they will be finding a way to leave despite any 
     obstacles. The current policy results in a severe loss of opportunity 
     - companies that are looking for individuals are now deprived of a 
     source of qualified people. Yes, we all could go pursue another forum 
     but that takes time and resources - something that many 
     Companies/managers are trying to better utilize.
     Dave Hillman
     Rockwell Collins
     [log in to unmask]

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: ADMIN: Job Postings on TechNet
Author:  [log in to unmask] at ccmgw1
Date:    2/14/97 1:14 PM

My recent message reminding you about our job posting policy drew a 
significant response from TechNet participants. Two major questions were: 
 - Why is it OK to post jobs in the DesignerCouncil forum but not on 
 - Where can we post jobs?
We apologize for not clarifying the company's reasoning for the decision 
to prohibit job postings.
Regarding the first question: IPC membership is paid by the companies, 
most of which have very strong feelings about "headhunters" using this 
service. They have even stronger feelings about their own personnel 
looking for a new job "on the company's money". DesignerCouncil, on the 
other hand, is an individual-based membership service, therefore no 
company policy is involved.
Regarding the second question: A proposal to create a special forum for 
job postings was rejected by the board of directors for the reason 
outlined above. We are working on other alternatives. One of them, the 
closest to implementation, is providing links from our Web site to the 
Web sites of the companies in the industry that have job openings. The 
procedure and format of how to do this are yet to be determined.
Below you will find the message on this topic send to the TechNet on 
November 5th 1996.
Again, we apologize for the misunderstanding caused by this issue. We 
will keep you informed about any changes that might occur.
Dmitriy Sklyar
Electronic Communication Manager
2215 Sanders Road
Northbrook, IL 60062-6135
voice   847-509-9700 ext. 311
fax     847-509-9798
e-mail  [log in to unmask]
URL     http://www.ipc.org
---------- Forwarded message ---------- 
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 1996 12:47:52 -0600 (CST) 
From: Melinda Robinson <[log in to unmask]> 
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: GEN: Job Postings on TechNet
Dear TechNet participants,
For nearly two years, IPC's TechNet e-mail forum has been a valuable tool 
for people in the electronic interconnection industry. It has been a 
place to go for help from experts who have shared freely. Many of you 
have told us how much you appreciate IPC's TechNet.
The issue of job postings on TechNet has come up several times over the 
past two years and has been a source of controversy. There have not been 
very many, but the IPC Board of Directors has been monitoring the 
situation and believes that TechNet is not the appropriate place for job 
listings; that TechNet should be reserved for the exchange of technical 
Staff have been directed to work on developing an alternative to TechNet 
for job listings to satisfy a need identified by member companies and 
hopes to present a proposal to the IPC Board of Directors at their 
December meeting. It is likely that the Board will establish a policy for 
TechNet use that discourages job postings on TechNet, just as we 
discourage commercialism on TechNet.
If you have any suggestions on how we might assist member companies with 
job searches outside of TechNet (i.e., a JobsNet) please reply directly 
to me and not to the entire TechNet list. Your input will be used and 
appreciated. In the meantime, we request that everyone continue to enjoy 
the tremendous benefits of the IPC TechNet e-mail forum and the technical 
networking it provides and please do not use TechNet for job postings.
By the way, did you know that you are now one of over 1,100 technologists 
throughout the world participating on the IPC TechNet e-mail forum? 
Pretty amazing!
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Melinda Robinson
Melinda Robinson
Director of Information Systems 
2215 Sanders Road
Northbrook, IL 60062-6135
voice  847-509-9700 x314
fax    847-509-9798
e-mail [log in to unmask]
URL http://www.ipc.org
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