we have trained a number of operators to use no-clean flux and the 
     time was about 2 hours which most of the time was spent in having the 
     operator using the solder to get use to the way it reacts.  in regard 
     to the requirements of j-001 the best is to train to 610 which covers 
     all the requirments of 001. this class takes about 2 to 3 days 
     depending on the skill level of the operator.

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Time to train operators: J-STD-001 and LRNC flux
Author:  [log in to unmask] at _internetcc
Date:    1/7/97 12:26 PM

     I'd be interested to hear how long it takes to train an operator (who 
     is used to working to military soldering standards) the operator- 
     related parts of J-STD-001 (i.e., acceptance requirements).  I'd also 
     like to hear how long it takes to train an operator (who is used to 
     working with RMA flux) to solder using a low-residue no-clean flux.
     Gordon Davy
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