
Your questions are pretty vague as it is very complicated
to perceive the level of various  individuals capability of
learning.   I am positive you will receive suggestions
from others so good luck with that.  I suggest though, if
you are referring to conductive soldering, what I believe
is exteremly important for you to know is the following
information.  The required time for training one to work
with low residue, no-clean flux is very dependent on the
particular solids content, formula and even brand of flux
chosen.  Many different brands of flux, even those
marketed for usage with hand soldering or rework have
radically different responses to the abrupt temperature
change from conductive heating.  I also find it asinine
some low residue fluxes marketed for rework, utilizing
conductive heat, also call out in the technical data for the
flux to be preheated at specific temperatures for allotted
time durations.  Sorry, this is just not done in the
conductive soldering process.  Choose your flux
wisely!!!  This would be through an evaluation process
comparing the capabilities and reactions of various fluxes
for  the soldering operation.  Not necessarily what the
circuit board production production oven uses.  Of course
you have component solderability, flux compatibility,
and other issues to consider.  Do the evaluation!!!
Good Luck.

Marshall Canaday
Pace Inc.
Applications Engineer / Training Specialist
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