You should be able to fit a wire support or a solid knife edge to both machines.
Both machine suppliers should be able to do it for you but just do it yourself
its not difficult to use either method.

You need the center no go areas in your designs and this is probably the
difficult thing to convince design engineers about but the saving on jigs and
pallets is a definite bonus. You see this type of system on Far Eastern and
European machines more than Electrovert.

Having run training course for Electrovert for the last nine years it is amazing
just how many people have never used this technique to support boards it saves
money and improves yield.

Bob Willis
Process Engineering Consultant
Electronic Presentation Services
2 Fourth Avenue, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 4HA. England.
Tel: (44) 01245 351502
Fax: (44) 01245 496123
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