I found that one should design to a low delta T (say 10-20 deg F)
More important than current carring capacity was the IR losses in the conductors.
It dosen't take very much length to eat up the margin from your power supply!
Our system requirements were already established so the delta V accross the 
board had to be reduced as much as possible. (wider/multiple traces)

On the boards that we smoked, the estimated current was in line with the max spec numbers.
(gota keep those screw drivers out of the live hardware!)

We ended up redesigning the flex boards in several areas (not just for current capacity)
The new design is  at the same time better, harder, easyer, than the old one!
(18x22 panel, 8-14 layer rigid-flex-rigid)

Bill Gaines
AeroJet (for $) 1100 Hollyvale, Azusa, Calif. 91702-0298
IMAPS    (for info)    ieps.org
IHPVA   (for speed)   P.O. Box 727 Elgin, Il 60121-0727
SCCA    (for trophys) Solo II (818-988-RACE)
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