"Do you want to give a technical presentation, Have you conducted some trials or
introduced a new assembly process in your company and want to shear your own
experiences then here is your opportunity". 

Last years seminars were attended by over 80 people per session.

Electronic Manufacture & Test Seminars 1997 at OnBoard
OnBoard Seminars and Exhibition 17-18th September London

Supported by The SMART Group

The EM&T Seminar Committee is inviting the submission of technical papers for
presentation at 1997 Seminars in September.  Papers must be technically
orientated, original and first-time presentations related to subjects of Modern
Printed Board Assembly and Design.  Abstracts should be no longer than 200 words
and sufficiently thorough to enable them to be evaluated for the technical
content.  The deadline is the end of February 1997 and the content must be
finalised by April in order that the programme may be in print.

The following list provides suggested topics, but potential authors may suggest
other topics which relate to the technology:

Design Practice	
Soldering Technology
Ball Grid Array Technology
Component Reliability	
Cleaning Alternatives
Testing Assemblies	
Plastic Substrates
Chip On Board
Solder Pastes/Adhesives	
Polymer Circuits
Component Placement	
Tape Automated Bonding
Contract Assembly
Component Standardisation
Fine Pitch Technology	
Environmental Protection
Printed Circuits for SMT	
Quality Control and Inspection
Statistical Quality Control

Please submit your abstract to me by Email or Fax as soon as possible.

Bob Willis
Process Engineering Consultant
Electronic Presentation Services
2 Fourth Avenue, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 4HA. England.
Tel: (44) 01245 351502
Fax: (44) 01245 496123
Home Page: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/bwillis
Email: [log in to unmask]

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