Let me preface this by saying that my experience has been only with panel
and pattern copper plating.  There are many literature references
pertaining to periodic reverse pulse plating.    They state several
advantages including:

-  porosity reduction
-  lower gas content
-  high purity
-  fine-grained deposits
-  deposits having low electrical resistance
-  higher average cathodic current density
-  better surface to hole thickness ratio
-  uniform plating

In my experience, some (if not all) of these advantages can be achieved
with pulse plating.  However, some possible negatives should also be

-  cost of the power supplies

-  size and placement of the power supplies.  The supplies that I have
worked with generate a fair amount of heat (some of them were liquid
cooled), but needed to be placed close to the plating cell to prevent
inductive coupling of anodic and cathodic lines (twisted pair cables, etc.)

-  perhaps requires a special brightener system (if used). The higher
current densities may destroy traditional brighteners.  Lea Ronal used to
make a system for pulse plating.

- possible  trouble with anodes "polarizing" after a period of time,
causing high voltages.  I believe that someone at Hughes may have done some
work on this a while back.

I am neither for or against pulse plating.  These are just some

Dave Anderson

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