I know that some of you out there are having excellant results using the Morton 
MX series photo resist for pattern plating.  I am experimenting with this 
material and I to have resolved some remarkably small and difficult patterns.

But I need some advise that the Morton rep's can't seem to give me.  How do you 
guys strip this stuff.  I use Alkastrip AQI in my stripper (Monoethanolamine) at
7% at 120 F. for the regular resist.  I have tried raising the concentration to 
10% and the temperature up to 132 F. and there is still resist.  I tried 5 % 
NaOH at 125 F., this improved the situation but there is still some residual 
resist on these panels.

I will appreciate any thoughts.  Thanks in advance.

Chuck Brummer 
(818) 734-4930
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