> George Franck writes:

> You bring up a good question!   Does IPC have an offical position on the 
> continued use of IPC-RB-276?
> I guess I don't understand what obsolete means.  Does it mean that IPC 
> no longer prints and sells it?  Does it mean that IPC can sue me and 
> make me take any reference to IPC-RB-276 off my drawing documents?  If I 
> call out IPC-6011/2 today, how long until those busy bee's at IPC make 
> it "obsolete" ?
I've often times wondered if Bill Gates has a twin brother who happens to run
the IPC. Let me get this right, if I stop using 276, then I can buy TWO! new
specs to take it's place ;| . Wow, another deal from IPC! 'Course I did know
this was coming 2 years ago when I attended at User's Group conference and the
IPC guy giving a talk on the IPC certification made mention that IPC was going
to simplify their documents. Sorry, IPC, just my 2 cents.

> > However, it also still works, and gives reliable results. 
> > As to IPC-RB-276, I understand it, my suppliers (usually) understand 
> > it, my designers understand it, my electrical engineers almost understand 
> > it, and my inspectors understand it.  The Spec works and the boards 
> > are reliable.  


Mitch Morey
Cadence Design Supervisor
Praegitzer Design Service
San Diego, CA

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