Hi Gaby!
     Make sure you have a good set of standards for the entire range you 
     are interested in - that way you can verify the machine is functioning 
     as anticipated. NIST would be one place for standards and I am sure 
     there are others. One other bit of info that I have run into - XRF of 
     flat surfaces is very simple  but when you start looking at holes, 
     edges, 3D type surfaces keep in mind that you will have some error 
     induced due to signal deflection/detector interactions. One way around 
     this is to make up a set of "calibration" standards in-house that you 
     have verified. Good luck.
     Dave Hillman
     Rockwell Collins
     [log in to unmask]

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: XRF Plating thickness measurement
Author:  [log in to unmask] at ccmgw1
Date:    1/18/97 12:21 

Dear Technetters,
I just got a new XRF measuring device which I am very proud of. 
Until now I was performing cross sections with poor results for 
very thin coatings.The calibrations which were included in the XRF 
device are based on samples starting with 0,40 micrometers gold on 
1,5 micrometrs nickel.My range of interest is from 0,07 micrometers 
gold to 0.35 .
Could anyone help with information cocerning the following:
Which set of calibration standards is recommended for my appliccation? 
How does the plating method affect the results?
Which is the best way to get a corellation between my measurements 
and the supplyer's measurements?
Any help or comments are very welcome,even personal experiences .
[log in to unmask]
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