     We use ESD masking tape and Kapton tape.  There are many suppliers of 
     these tapes (3M 800-828-9329, Marshall 800-432-2223,Techni-Tool 
     800-505-8665,Static Technologies 617-357-6444,Wescorp 
     800-537-7828,...) . For selection of tapes used a charge analyzer with 
     voltmeter,field meter, and decay meter (traceable to NIST) meets 
     EOS/ESD Std No.3, Mil-Std-45662A. You will need this analyzer to chose 
     the "best fit" tape for your specific materials, processes and 
     The environment is very important you can provide an environment to 
     inhibit or prevent static (temperature/humidity, presence of static 
     generators, ESD workstation, insulators (material with ability to 
     retain a charge). For detailed information ask for ESD Associations' 
     new catalog which describes 11 stds,4 drafts,& 5 advisory 
     Someone has already suggested ionizing air streams for reducing 
     electrostatic charges during mask and demask.
     I assume that the operator, spray booth, workpiece support and spray 
     gun nozzle are all at ground potential. Of course, the circuit itself 
     must also be at this potential. 
     For ultimate protection, I'd also attach a shorting bar across all 
     connector fingers and tie that to your ground buss. Remember, all 
     those tiny blobs of conformal coating are non conductive.
     I also assume that your earth ground is totally isolated from
     all electrical feeds and prepared in such a way as to be effective 
     in all climatic conditions.(such as very dry) There is a Mil Spec on 
     earth grounding stations. This information was all gathered in another 
     life, so I don't remember the specific specification.
     The opinions stated herein are not those of my employer.
     Lyn R. Lynch
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