I know of one instance of with Shipley Chemistry where the chemistry failed
big time... It was not Shipleys fault, by the way.

Cutting to the chase...  The bath was made up during a drought.  The local
water system was in short supply, and lakes were low.  The bath was made up
with DI water... however the theory is that there were organics that made
it through the DI system and poisoned the bath from the start.  The
organics were more highly concentrated (fish urine ?) in the low lake
condition.  Who knows what strange chlorated, peroxided organics slipped
through the DI system.

Problem went away after the lakes filled back up.

Perhaps this qualifies as a folk story, but you sound willing to entertain
the unlikely

>Subject: Electroless copper
>From:    [log in to unmask] at Internet
>Date:    6/12/96  7:41 AM
>     We have recently changed our Electroless Chemistries and Electrolytic
>     Copper to Shipley product line. We have been overwhelmed with scrap for
>     voids, plating separations and adhesion problems. We have followed the
>     vendor recommendations and are running within their guidelines. We need
>     some technical help. The support we've been receiving is not getting us
>     anywhere. Currently we are shut down for all production due to scrap
>     levels. HELP!
>     Thank you

                           George Franck
  PWB Product Assurance                     Phone (703) 560-5000 x2648
  Raytheon E-Systems  M/S N408                    Fax   (703) 280-4613
  7700 Arlington Blvd                  E-Mail: [log in to unmask]
  Falls Church Va 22046                      E-Mail: [log in to unmask]