Hi Jan -
     Rockwell and a small consortium of companies are working on a DARPA 
     supported effort to demonstrate a metal surface restoration process 
     called ROSA (Reduced Oxide Soldering Activation)(or Really Obnoxious 
     Soldering Activity if your having a bad day!). This will be a 12 month 
     effort which will show the ability of the ROSA technology to restore 
     PWBS, components and flip chip surfaces after salt fog, sulfur fog, 
     85/85, and dry baking exposures. There will be an industry day in '97 
     at the EMPF too. Contact me directly and I can fill you in on the 
     various details.
     Dave Hillman
     Rockwell Collins
     [log in to unmask]

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: ASSY:PCB-rework
Author:  [log in to unmask] at ccmgw1
Date:    10/23/96 12:34 PM

Does anyone have any information how to fresh up old PCBs with bad 
Does the board manufacturer do it? 
If yes, how?
I'm very interested in any kind of detailed information about this 
Jan Merstrand
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