The certification program does have the ability to certify that someone fully understands IPC-D-275. Unfortunately most designers do not have access to this "important" publication ( I have yet to see it myself). In order to get it (other than paying for it out of our own meager earnings) we must first prove to our superiors that it is worth spending the money for it. Then in our "spare" time we will read and assimulate the information. Then we get to put into effect the previously unused aspects of the publication (not always well recieved by others). After all that, in order to get certified, we must again convince our superiors that certification is valuable to the company.
	That boils down to an awful lot of work by designers with most of the benefit in profits for the Company and the IPC. Perhaps if they offered the Designer focused publications free of charge over the internet, we could better use and prove the need for certification. Win-win.
	My desire to improve requires that I do whatever I can to achieve that end including paying my own way in time and money. However, I have my doubts that IPC would be where it is today if they demanded as much of their lower paid employees.    -Rosebud

>>>The Problem I see now is everyone I talk to thinks the whole
certification process is a JOKE ..... I really think this programs going no

IMHO I wholeheartly agree