The following question is one that was provided by designers for
the  A  basic level exam. It is NOT included in the final published
test and is for reference only. The topic is Functional Electrical


126  What is a transmission line called that has a configuration
     consisting of a conductor over a parallel ground plane,
     separated by a dielectric material? 
     A.   a strip line
     B.   a microstrip line
     C.   a capacitive  coupled line
     D.   a characteristic impedance line

          select the most correct answer

Previous QOD

125  What is the total capacitance of three 18mf capacitors
     connected in series? 
     A.   6 microfarrads

Resource: IPC-T-50 Specific Terms; Basic Electronics Handbook; ANSI


Please send comments, constructive critique, or suggestions to Lisa
Williams at [log in to unmask] 

Dieter Bergman