        Well stated!!  I think this is a viable and an accommodating plan.

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: ADMIN: Poll Results on Splitting TechNet
Author:  [log in to unmask] at PMDF
Date:    2/29/96 9:29 AM

Dear Colleagues,
Of our more than 700 TechNet participants, 200 responded to the 
poll. Thank you for taking the time to contribute.
15% felt that TechNet should be eliminated in favor of more
    focused lists
30% felt that we should keep TechNet and *not* offer more
    focused lists
70% felt that we should keep TechNet *and* offer more focused lists
As you can see, some participants were comfortable with more than 
one option. Only a few people preferred another medium, such as a 
newsgroup, digest or summary.
It was apparent from the votes, and from the comments we received, 
that the desire to keep TechNet in place as a meeting ground for 
people in all disciplines of our industry was overwhelming. Typical 
comments were:
  "...the essential benefit of TechNet's existence is instant
   communication between diverse groups that would otherwise 
   not interact, let's not compromise this feature."
  "(TechNet) allows cross fertilization through the whole
   manufacturing process. I don't know of any other place where 
   this happens so freely and with so little effort."
  "...the current format fosters the cross-functional team approach
   where everyone understands and participates in the challenges 
   facing the entire organization trying to create a finished 
   product. The more I'm made aware of someone else's problems 
   the better I'm able to not make them worse by something I'm 
   doing in ignorance."
Many of the 70% who voted for creating more focused lists preferred 
to stay with TechNet, but wanted to accommodate the people who 
prefer to receive less mail.
A large percentage of this group wanted to keep TechNet as a master 
and link it to the smaller, more focused mail lists.
The problem with creating additional lists is three-fold:
1. We learned that it is not practical to link two mail lists
   when we linked TechNet with IllinoisNet. Our efforts to prevent 
   people from subscribing to both failed, they received duplicate 
   e-mails and became frustrated.
2. If TechNet and the focused lists are not linked, some
   participants are forced to subscribe to several groups in order 
   not to miss information pertinent to their needs. This creates 
   more subscribe/unsubscribe tasks, more administrative and system 
   requirements, and more chance for users to ask the wrong 
   question of the wrong group.
3. Submissions would be sent to multiple lists in an effort to find
   the expert who can help, thereby increasing the load of 
   participants who subscribe to more than one list.
Three excellent suggestions were offered by our participants.
1. Implement a protocol whereby the Subject of each submission
   to the TechNet forum begins with
   FAB:   If it has to do with fabrication, 
   ASSY:  If it has to do with assembly, 
   DES:   If it has to do with design, or
   ADMIN: If it is from one of our mail list administrators,
          as this message is
   Participants do not have to read beyond this identifier 
   to determine if the message falls within the disciplines 
   in which they are interested.
2. Recommend that users create a separate "folder" or "mailbox"
   for TechNet mail so that it is not intermixed with normal work 
   e-mail, and can be reviewed at leisure.
3. Refer those who are interested in specific subjects
   to the archive of IPC e-mail forum submissions at 75% of those responding 
   to the survey said they had access to the WWW; others 
   indicated that they hope to in the near future.
One particularly wise participant offered, "No matter what you do, 
not everyone will be happy with it. Good luck." We realize that this 
proposal requires a compromise on the part of those who wanted to 
have specialized forums, but we hope that you will give this 
three-step solution a try. If we all follow the recommendations 
above, it will
   -- keep administration to a minimum,
   -- reduce the pain of those who wish to read less mail, and
   -- continue to provide access to cross-disciplinary discussion,
      which many believe benefits the entire industry.
Please begin to use the FAB, ASSY and DES protocol now! If you have 
any comments, forward them to me at [log in to unmask] (though I will 
be out of the office the week of March 4).
I apologize for the length of this e-mail, but the future of 
TechNet is important to us all and the management staff here at IPC 
felt that it was important to share this information with you.
Melinda Robinson
Director of Publishing and
Information Systems
2215 Sanders Road
Northbrook, IL 60062-6135
voice  847-509-9700 x314
fax    847-509-9798
e-mail [log in to unmask]