I am re-sending this message since it apparently didn't go through the 
first time (I didn't receive it back via Technet).  Ignore the part about 
Victor, I now know others were seeing the same thing.

-----Begin Included Message ----- 

To: [log in to unmask]

STAT-A-MATRIX can be reached at 1 800 472-6477

P.O. Box 19130
Newark, NJ  07195-0130

P.S.  Is anyone else receiving multiple messages with "cc:Mail UUCPLINK 
2.0 Undeliverable Message" in the subject line?  They are addressed to 
TechNet from Victor Johansen of Coates-ASI.  The original messages 
contained are Technet postings I had previously received.

---- End of forwarded message ----

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