I would suggest you do one of two things.

1. retest your boards for solderability as you normally do for incoming 
testing.  If you don't know how to do this, you should ask your PCB 
supplier to help you or go to his place and have him demonstrate it to you 
and then you can go back to your factory and implement this into IQC.

2. You can return these boards to your PCB supplier and ask him to reclean 
them for oxide removal.  He probably already has this process and it is 
what he will do on many of his own boards before he send them out to his 
customers.  As part of the recleaning he should retest them for 
solderability for you and supply you with the test board which demostrates 
that it is solderable


From:	IN%"[log in to unmask]" 15-MAR-1996 05:40:02.97
To:	IN%"[log in to unmask]"
Subj:	ASSY

 I have a six layer board (FR4) that has been setting on the shelf for three
 years, and not stored in  plastic bags. 
 What would be your recommendation to assure that these boards would solder 
 properly, when processed?

 Thanks In Advance
 Michael Cussen
 Medar Inc.