Hello --
     I received this request from my home page, can any of you (all) 
     respond to Jeff Tan's request? Jeff's e-mail address is 
     [log in to unmask]
     Ron Daniels

Hi Ron,
This is my first visit to this page and I thought I'll try the 'tete-a-tete'. 
Any way
wondering if you could direct me to any relevant information/papers on 
palladium / silver-palladium / nickel-palladium plating for leadframe and 
related surface-mount issues.
I think this page is a great idea. Hoping that this can be a great source of 
information on semiconductor, packaging and circuit assembly on cyberspace !
Senior Engineer (Process & Development) 
Hewlett Packard Singapore
Integrated Circuit Business Division 
Tel : (65)-662-4457
Fax : (65)-268-4842