
I'll give it a try.  

Since this para applies only to the cleanliness test
immediately prior to solder mask application, it is a
little simpler than some others.

If you group several different part numbers (lots) and
then clean and apply solder mask to all during the same shift 
and if 
1)these are all glass epoxy boards (material type) and 
2)they all were bare copper surface conductors 

then you would be required to run 5 of these boards through 
cleanliness testing to assure that your cleaning process was adequate..

If you had one part number (lot)  that required solder mask over
reflowed tin lead, you would need to test 5 of these boards.

If you had one part number constructed from any other laminate
than glass epoxy, you would need to test 5 of these.

Hope this helps

Susan Mansilla
Robisan Laboratory

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