There is a growing number of Board Fabricators offering microvias. 
 Most of the microvia processes (SLC, laser, Dycostrate, etc.) are 
capable of plating shut a via placed in a surface mount pad.  The 
vias are in the .002" to .005" diameter range before plating.  The 
microvia processes are used to plate blind vias from layers 1 to 2 
and layers n to n-1.  These processes give you space to fan out 
from dense surface mount packages by putting the via in the pads 
and then using the routing room on layers 2 and n-1.

If you would like more information give me a call.

Darren Hitchcock
(503) 359-2658
[log in to unmask]

[log in to unmask] Wrote:
| I need to know who is providing copper filled via 
| holes for via hole in
| surface mount pad design.... Thanx in advance for 

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