
    Why are you leaving yourself open to possibly destroying a multilayer
  by drilling to break a connection.  We are a Military supplier and have
  eliminated almost all board drilling on multilayers by other methods of
  lead isolation. There is just too much risk involved with drilling, copper
  smear, crazing, laminated damage, etc. Not knowing all the parameters, I am 
  assuming that you want to brake a connection and leave it open or add a 
  new jumper. If it is that simple, why not just isolate the leads from the 
  trace by cutting/isolating the leads and reconnecting as required? If you 
  can give more detail or would like to talk about the rework procedure, 
  please feel free to contact me. Hope this helps.

  Phone  : (203) 852-4810                         Regards,
  E-Mail : [log in to unmask]                                 Bob Vanech

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