     It is MIL-I-24768/27, Feb 1992, with amend.1 of Dec.1992.
     Title "Insulation, plastic, laminated, thermosetting, glass-cloth, 
     epoxy rresin (GEE-F)
     about 10 pages
     [log in to unmask]

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: FAB: I24768\27
Author:  [log in to unmask] at _internetcc
Date:    8/19/96 9:42 AM

A supplier of ours posed the following question....  Do we have 
I24768\27 specification?  Based on internal conversations this is a 
deritive of MIL-P-13949.  They are having difficulties with a Black, 
G10, FR4 material and the spec above is reference.  Is this spec 
available or has it been superceded?  What is the cost for this spec?  Please 
John G.
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