Date : 17/8/96 15:34
Dear martin,
The solder mask problem you have defined is not because of temp at
wavesoldering.Solder masks can withstand a temp of 280 to 300 deg
C.Your problem could because of any of the basic 2 reasons.One is the
problem of bare PWB itself or second could be the compatibility of
your wave flux with the solder mask ink.
The basic reasons for the problem in bare PWB could be -
1.There could be a contamination on the copper traces resulting in
poor adhesion.
2.There could be moisture entrapped in the solder mask ink.
3.There could be insufficient curing of the solder mask.
You need to closely work with your PWB supplier and the flux supplier
to sort out this problem.
Atul Rastogi
Altos India Ltd
Posted: Thu, Aug 15, 1996  12:11 PM                  Msg:
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Subj:   Ass: Soldermask problem!

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We are experiencing a problem with a soldermask on a a PCB during
The mask tends to degrade during wave soldering and remove after   
This defect is only seen over thin copper traces (especially around
and not over
the bare PCB.

Can anyone tell me what is the typical temperatures a solder mask can
during the wave soldering process (e.g. preheats, max. temp and time 

Also is anyone else having this problem or can the flux or the
process be
causing this problem.

Thanks in advance

Martin Dooner
AMT Ireland
University of Limerick
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