Are you sure you really want to eliminate dross?  Years ago I ran an oil
covered solder bath that developed very little dross.  On the other hand
contaminants (copper and gold) built up and the pot would have to be dumped
completely.  It was a job shop so quantity and type of PWA soldered varied. 
This led to frequent sampling and testing for contaminants so it wouldn't get
out of hand.  Economic analysis led us to believe that a "dry" (no-oil) wave
was less expensive overall since the dross carried the contaminants out with

We also tried a powder chemical that put the dross back into solution, but it
created the same problems as the oil.

Gordy Seppanen
Materials Engineer-Surface Finishing Lab
Honeywell Inc
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To: [log in to unmask]
From: Hollandsworth, Ron on Wed, Aug 14, 1996 4:28 PM
Subject: assy:  Dross elimination

     Hello TechNetter!
     Question for all the wave solder folks.  Have any of you 
     found a way to totally eliminate dross from your wave solder 

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