
A few weeks ago there were many questions and answers about who and why some
people could reflow boards with both lead-in-hole and SMT.  I did not get all
of the answers nor did I save them.  Monday I got a call from a lady who
wanted to know if this technology was successful and who was doing it.

She had questions about:

"Getting solder in hole, what paste to use, how to keep lead from pushing
paste from hole, how to keep the lead from gathering solder pool at it end
point, profile etc." 

I have not done this technology sucessfully myself and could not give her any
answers on who to call.  If you who responded to this subject a couple of
weeks ago, would do so again or just your name/phone no. and I will forward
the information to her.  She is going to get on technet soon so she may be
able to give us some answers when she finishes her study.     


Phil Hinton 
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