Hey JackMan ! ! !
       More RAM     (Randomly Accessed Memories of the good ol' days) 
      which is also required by everything in our field i.e. CAD 
software.,platforms             It is a plot....... to put us old-timers 
that try to remembered everything....... into a saturation point .
      The request for a "TREE" can be detailed into major areas ..... 
FABRICATION -- all major and minor specs that are 
applicable................ASSEMLY -- ditto ..................and DESIGN -- a 
double ditto...    What would really be helpful is a Cross-reference of 
current IPC  spec that replaced each MIL spec and which ones have been 
boughten off by the government boys.
>From: TechNet-request
>To: David Bergman
>Cc: technet
>Subject: IPC Publications
>Date: Wednesday, 14 August, 1996 7:31AM
>David Bergman wrote:
>> ...regarding a 55110 equivalent, try IPC-RB-276.  This document is
>> published but will shortly be superseded by IPC-6011 (Generic PWB
>> performance) and 6012 (Rigid PWB performance)
>Why does it seem like all the major board specs are being renumbered?
>276 will be 601x, 275 will be 2114 or 2141 or something...
>Do the numbers actually mean anything?
>Is the goal to keep us on our toes?
>...or to make us feel that we can never keep up with progress?
>...or a deal with Kinko's to keep copy machines cranking nonstop?
>...or a communist plot to distract us with a flood of new specs while
>   the rest of the world catches up to our technology?
>whats, uh, the deal?                                    Jack
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