
As written earlier, I highly recommend Multichip Module Design, 
Fabrication and Testing from Licari (McGraw Hill, 1800 2624729).
Of several literatures and books I have read and put to use, this
is sure to teach you the basics on MCMs (Multi Chip Modules).  
However, the -L is an MCM constructed of Laminates and the -C is 
constructed of Ceramics.  And then you have MCM-Ds which are THIN 
FILM DEPOSITED,  very similar to wafer fabrication.  MCMs are used
in several package types TAB (Tape Automated bonding) and COB 
(Chip on Board).


John Gulley - Process Engr
Compuroute Inc.
Dallas, TX

> From:          [log in to unmask]
> Date:          Wed, 7 Aug 96 09:33:05 EDT
> To:            [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask]
> Subject:       Re: GEN: Electronic Component Packaging Specs.

> Eugenio,
> MCM stands for Multi Chip Module which is a high density packaging and 
> interconnect approach.  the -L and -C stand for the type of substrate.  I 
> believe -L is organic, -C is non-organic.
> IPC-MC-790 Guidelines for MultiChip Module Technology Utilization is a good 
> place to start.
> Jeff 
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