IPC-D-275, figure 4.9 on page 31 gives the formulas. At a glance, the .045R is 
too small for a .060 dia lead. The text is covered in 4.1.10. The correct lead 
center distance is particularly critical for diodes where cracking can occur 
where the lead joins the body of the part. 

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: ASSY Prepping radial leaded components
Author:  [log in to unmask] at SMTPpost1
Date:    7/31/96 1:12 PM

 We are preparing to purchase a GPD CF-15 component prepping
machine. This machine uses a roller method to form leads.
 The die set for 0.040" to 0.060" dia. leads forms the lead with a
radius of 0.045". This radius is less than what is specified in IPC-A-610B 
section 3.3, Table 3.3. The machine vendor has told our MFG Engineer
that this is the way "many" assembly houses prep components. I am
concerned on the reliablility of prepping to such a tight radius on the large 
 Does anyone have experience with this type of machine relating
to IPC specified bend radius values? We can prep to Class 2 with the 
exception of several large lead diameter parts. I would handle this case 
with a statement that would exclude the large lead parts.
Thanks for any information provided.
Rick Vernon, QA Engineer, Phoenix International Corp.
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