Good Day Electronic Community,

I would like to do a quick, and completely unscientific survey.  At present,
a subset of the J-STD-001 committee is wrestling with the proposed Appendix
D, which covers the illustration of process compatibility and process
qualification.  Appendix D appears to be the only impediment to the
acceptance of the B revision of J-STD-001.  The issues that we are working on
are:  the tests to specify, the sample sizes required, and the associated
costs.  Without revealing my own prejudices, I would like to ask the
following questions.

1.  Are you an assembler, a customer, or both?

2.  As an assembler, do you think that a process qualification protocol
should be manditory (the present stance), or optional (customer specified)?

3.  As a customer, same question.

4.  What tests (e.g. ROSE, SIR) do you think give you an adequate feel for
the acceptability of an assembly process?

5.  What do you feel is an appropriate cost for qualifying a manufacturing
process? (Other than the full approval for free desire).

6.  How many samples for any particular test method do you think gives you a
reasonable feeling that you have characterized the process accurately?  3? 5?
10? 4,512?

I'll stop here.

Please try to respond by the end of this week, so that we have some input for
next weeks discussions.  You can e-mail me directly:  [log in to unmask] or
respond over TechNet.  I will compile the answers and report back.  And, as
Bartles and James put it so well, Thank you for your support.

Doug Pauls
Contamination Studies Laboratories
[log in to unmask]
(317) 457-8095

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