In a message dated 96-07-10 12:23:33 EDT, you write:


There is a basic rule of thumb that I follow when trouble shooting a
breakdown problem, if the breakdown is uniform throughout the panel, it is
usually not a preclean problem.  Preclean problems usually give random
breakdown on the surface in isolated areas.  It is extremely important on how
the breakdown is occuring and whether or not it is single sided in nature.
Depending on how it looks, it could be anything from weave problems,
stripping problems, to high plating acids or current densities.   Please,
send me a typical panel with the breakdown on it and a brief note, so I can
take a look at it.
Send it to:
Ken Bridges
Morton International
2631 Michelle Dr.
Tustin, CA 92680
I will be back in my Tustin office on Wednesday afternoon 7-24-96.

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