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Date: 16 Jul 96 10:43:51 -0400
From: Chris Stack <[log in to unmask]>
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Subject: FAB: How quick can a board be made?
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We recently had a need for an VERY quick turn 6 layer PCB.  I contacted a 
couple of houses advertising same day or 24 hr turn.  They all told me 
that it would be difficult or impossible to do it in that time frame.  
Could someone enlighten me on what are reasonable quick(est) turns for 
various board technologies?


  Chris Stack
  ext. 231                       
  [log in to unmask]                    
  CD Electronics, Inc.                   
  Printed Circuit Board Designer and Purchasing Agent 
To understand the things that are at our door is the best
preparation for understanding those that lie beyond.

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======== Fwd by: Tony King / N ========
Things are never quite what they appear, this holds especially true for
printed circuit boards. Not all boards (six layers in this case) are created
equal. There are many things that a board manufacturer can do, but time
becomes a very limiting constraint. Delivery time is very dependent on the
panel design and attribute, line, space, hole size, pad to hole ratio,
blind/buried via, gold, nickel, material types, hole quantity, scoring,
milling,etc. Obviously the boards must be good when shipped, but often time
does not allow some of the normal systems to be used. These systems would
include electrical test, CAM design rule checks, netlist compares etc.. The
board manufacturer would basically build the product per the data exactly as
supplied, the customer should therefore have confidence in the data supplied
to the manufacturer and accept responsibility for any design related errors.
There is also a vast difference it data types, some much easier to use than
others. It is amazing how large and difficult data can be dependent on how
the features are drawn. There is not enough supplied information to
determine true build time. I would recommend that you develop a partnership
with your prefered supplier(s), each knowing what to expect from the other,
no surprises. This will give you the best results. You have to understand
the needs of the manufacturer, and he must understand yours. I can
understand the reluctance of suppliers if you are a new customer for them.

Please call if you would like to discuss this.

Tony King
Elexsys International, Nashua N.H.

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