Dear Technetters,     
     I've noticed quite a number of messages relating to employment in      
     recent months , so I trust the following is suitable for Tech Net.
     If this offends people let me know (gently please!) so I can apologise 
     and avoid making the same mistake again: 
          Coates Electrographics is embarking on a new development          
          programme, assisted by European funding.  We urgently need to     
          recruit an innovative, highly qualified, scientist who can gain   
          the confidence of our European partners as an expert in           
          metallurgical processes.  The successful candidate is likely to   
          be qualified to Ph.D. level and will have some experience in the  
          development/application of solder pastes/solders/metal mixtures.  
          Some facility with other European languages would be beneficial   
          but is not essential. 
          Coates Electrographics is a major supplier to the circuit         
          industry and as part of the Total Group offers all the 
          benefits expected of a large Multinational.  The Division         
          has extensive research facilities at its facility located 10      
          miles South of Bath in South west England.
     Please Email/fax in confidence direct to
     Bob Courtney
     Coates Circuit Products
     [log in to unmask]
     Fax: +44 1761 416609     

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