Are you refering to mask adhesion over immersion gold or are you
interested in mask adhesion, when using the mask over bare cu, as a
plating resist in the immersion gold process?

Bob Metcalf
Director Solder Mask Systems
Morton Electronic Materials

>>> <[log in to unmask]> 07/10/96 09:23am >>>
From:  Stephen Ayotte
\\\\\\\EM Quality Engineering
\\\\\\\Bldg. 14-3 Col F5 5-1537
Subject: PC Fab
We are trying to find out what the industry standards or techniques are
for testing solder mask adhesion to immersion gold.  We have tried a
variety of solder mask systems and have checked the cure using DSC.

Please respond with any specification, military, IPC, ANSI or otherwise.
Or if anyone has some test they are using that is not listed in another
specification that would be appreciated too.

We are seeing minor adhesion loss of the solder mask to the metallurgy
and are also wondering if some amount is acceptable?

**** IBM MD Product Quality Engineer****
****         OEM Quality Engineer   ****

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