Rogers Corporation makes a material that is not PTFE based
but has excellent electrical properties.  It is a woven glass
reinforced/ceramic filled, thermoset resin with a Tg>280 C.
The Dielectric Constant = 3.38 and the Dissipation Factor is
.004 for the UL rated RO4350 and .002 for the flammable RO4003.

The material processes through board fabrication easier than
PTFE based laminates, but the ceramic filler really goes through
the drill bits.  If you need any more information, please
give me a call.

Darren Hitchcock
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Poh Kong Hui <[log in to unmask]> Wrote:
| Dear Technet,
| I would like to know other than using Teflon material 
| for RF board, is there any
| other type of  material that has the same property 
| (e.g good dielectric) as
| teflon..
| We are looking for material which is rigid, since 
| teflon is a bit too soft. 
| Thanks in Advance.

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