Helloooo, TechNet!

	My questions today are about bare-board netlist test.  I have three
	such questions, about the use and specifics of such test.

	1.  How many fabricators actually use supplied test data?  We've
	been supplying IPC netlist data as a standard part of our fab-
	rication dataset for quite some time.  Speaking from historic
	results, many fabricators seem to not use it, preferring instead
	to test to gerber-derived netlist data.  Thankfully, designed-in
	problems in our post-process are rare, but we thought we were buying
	(and recommending that our customers should buy) locked-in comparison
	to design intent.  We've gone to great lengths to make an audit trail
	from the engineering schematic through the CAD database to the IPC
	file, and have had to do elaborate things to ensure that all nets
	are represented correctly in said database.

	Is this a case of it being "so much easier" to simply check that
	the fabricator's shipped result matches the design "as received"?
	(the GIGO theory)  Why would this be so?

	I'll answer this one myself, guessing that we must specify com-
	parison to the design data in our purchase order or other such
	controlling document.  More on this in question #3.

	2.  We have been using a popular translator, from Allegro to IPC,
	from CircuiTest.  Over the past several months, we have noticed
	repeated troubles with description of which side of a board the
	element appears on.  Perhaps this is a bellweather of actual util-
	ization of the IPC data?  Apparently, our output file describes
	external layers as "0" and "1", and multiple vendors have been
	interpreting in reverse fashion.  Is this software-vendor specific,
	ie a weakness in the spec?  We've also had shops that are suspected
	of actually using the data for a long time, without that confusion.
	Is this subject to the specific pieces of software in play (ie fine
	if using CircuiTest on both sides)?  (I confess I have not read the
	specification myself, shame on me!)

	3.  For obvious reasons we would like to extend our umbrella of
	checking to the content of the IPC dataset.  Therefore, we are looking
	at doing gerber comparison in-house.  We have looked at several
	CAM type solutions, but find that our workload would cause us to
	need at least 2 staffers to be full-time CAM operators.  This CAM
	function still appears to belong in the fabrication arena.  Instead
	we are deciding to upgrade some batch-type internal tools to handle
	the netlist comparison.  To this end, we would like to know of any
	vendor that may have the gerber-to-IPC part of the translation avail-
	able as an unbundled, batch type routine, whether it be an executable
	on DOS/UNIX/NT or simply source code.  Any takers or clues?

	Thanks in advance, and in total for such a fine resource as TechNet.

	Best Regards to all who got this far!

        Jeff Seeger                             Applied CAD Knowledge Inc
        Chief Technical Officer                      Tyngsboro, MA  01879
        [log in to unmask]                               508 649 9800