Try Dupont's faxback service at 1-800-954-4636
     Peter Blokhuis
     PC World

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Subject: Dupont Publications
Author:  [log in to unmask] at INET
Date:    6/17/96 3:44 PM

I am looking for the following publications from Dupont.  Does 
anyone readily have these publications or know where I can get 
them?  If short, please fax them to 214-349-1133 or mail them to
Compuroute Inc.
Attn: John Gulley - PE
10365 Sanden Dr.
Dallas, TX 75238-2440
Thank you in advance.
1.  E-55629 "Recommendation Stacking Rack" 
2.  E-84680 "Photo Printer Vacuum Frame"
3.  E-74787 "Improved Phototool Line Quality"
4.  H-14736 "Guide to preparation and use of phototools for imaging
    dryfilm photo resists"