
We have a rep from EIS that is trying to sell us some Double 
Treated Copper (aka Trick-o-Treat Copper).  As with anything there
are pro's and con's to materials.  I am slightly familiar with
some of these pro's and con's of double treated copper, based on 
past readings.  What I do know about it:

1.  It eliminates Black oxide and Chemical/Mechnical Scrubbing 
2.  Resist adhesion is improved due to the copper topography
3.  Handling parameters are increased prior to resist lamination
    (since there is no cleaning process prior)
4.  There are difficulties in AOI-ing the layers     
5.  Prepreg adhesion is improved at the lamination stage
6.  Is it true that new equipment is needed to process this 
    material?  EIS says no, but others I spoken with say yes.
7.  Is oxide necessary when processing double treated polyimide 
    layers.  RBO (Atotech) is a recommended oxide for polyimide 
    layers and improves prepreg adhesion?
8.  etc.,

Please add any additional information you may have that can help
in our evaluation.  We have some double treated samples that we
will be testing soon.  Thank you in advance.

John Gulley - PE
Dallas, TX