We make LPISM and screen inks by the tonne around the world.  In our 
     resist manufacturing plants we always use a green two pack epoxy floor 
     Generally, provided you clean up before resists get really hard, these 
     floor paints last years without breaking up.
     Bob Courtney
     Coates Circuit Products UK
     +44 1761 414471
     [log in to unmask]

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Floor coating for screening
Author:  [log in to unmask] at Internet
Date:    13/06/96 00:06

Hi fellow "TechNeter's",
        My question doesn't exactly fall into the "high tech" category but
any input I can get will be appreciated. We are expanding our facility and
part of the expansion includes the screening department. When we built the
facility 8 years ago we used vinyl tiles on the floor though out the
building. This made it easy to keep clean and gave it an overall
professional look. 
        The problem in screening is that whenever soldermask or legend
material is dropped on the floor and a solvent coated rag is used to wipe it
up it takes part of the surface with it. The appearance has become so gross
that we try to avoid the area as much as possible when giving customer
tours. Please,don't suggest getting neater screening personel. I am fond of
the ones we currently have.
        Is there a coating that could be applied that is strong enough to
withstand the solvent (acetone) used for cleanup and still look good and
hopefully provide a non-slip surface. The only option I am aware of is
epoxie paint, but I have used it in other applications and been somewhat
unhappy with the results.

        Any suggestions? Thanks
LANmark Circuits,Inc.  
400 Crown Point Circle
Grass Valley,Ca. 95945