Problem: We phased out our last CFC-degreaser to help patch the 
              alleged ozone hole.
     Problem: We phased in Probimer 65M which ostensibly has slightly lower 
              adhesion than Probimer 52.
     Problem: curtain-coated S/M peeling from reflowed tin/lead 
     Our standard surface prep for SMOBC is pumice (no brushes) but pumice 
     dulls the reflow finish and has been rejected by the customer for 
     aesthetics in the past.  Customer is high-rel avionics and will likely 
     be a bit stubborn with design change recommendations.
     Does anyone have a successful pre-clean method for S/M over reflow?
     a conveyorized solder brite?
     a non-CFC degreaser?
     a solvent?
     Thanks in advance.
     Joe Felts
     PC World, Toronto