
How is the Gold Porosity Measured after application to the card edge? 



To: technet @ @ smtp2
From: jpudlo @ @ smtp2
Date: 06/06/96 07:22:52 AM
Subject: gold finger porosity requirements

Can any one educate me on Porosity requirements for gold fingers?

BELLCORE TR-NWT-000078 Table 22 calls out ranges of 
acceptable Pore counts for given gold thicknesses. My question is 
what is the purpose of pore requirements? Is the implication that if 
the gold is to porous it is more susceptible to wear out and/or 
corrosion? Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you

Joe Pudlo

Joe, other TECHNETers,
First, let me introduce myself. I am the guy at Bellcore wearing the TR-78 hat, 
since Bob Hall has recently left Bellcore. I read most of the Technet postings; 
that takes me about an hour a day!! So I expect ot be interacting either by 
mail or by way of the Technet with many of you. By the way, I am currently 
on a way to use the internet to solicit industry interactions on TR-78, since a

version will be coming out 1Q97.

As to the porosity question, the answer is that porosity is measured both as 
intrinsic porosity, and after wear. The requirement for intrinsic porosity is 
as a process control, as opposed to a hard requirement for functional reasons. 
The measurement after wear occurs in the qualification tests on new connectors, 
and is more of a functional test. Hope this helps.
Fred Koch